The country is now in a mood to fight a decisive battle against the corona virus. India is expecting more...
There is a continuous decrease in the number of new corona patients in Uttar Pradesh. On Friday, a total of...
President Ramnath Kovind today congratulated the countrymen on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr and asked the people to take a pledge...
शिमला : हिमाचल प्रदेश शिक्षक महासंघ की राज्य कार्यकारिणी द्वारा वर्चुअल बैठक का आयोजन किया गया। बैठक की अध्यक्षता शैक्षिक महासंघ...
Thunderstorm with lightning & gusty wind (speed reaching 30-40 kmph) very likely at isolated places over Jharkhand, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal...
मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने गृह विभाग को निर्देश दिए हैं कि राज्य आपदा प्रबंधन बल (एसडीआरएफ) तथा पीएसी की जल...
Even as we try our best to protect ourselves from and cope with COVID-19, there is another threat being posed...
आज के परिपेक्ष्य में ब्राह्मण के लिए शस्त्र और शास्त्र दोनों ही हैं उपयोगी: पं. शशिपाल डोगरा शिमला : विशिष्ट...
A good news has emerged for farmers in the midst of the Corona crisis. PM Modi has released the 8th...
According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre of the India Meteorological Department (IMD): (Friday 14 May 2021, Time of Issue: 0800 hours IST Based on 0530 hours IST Observations) All India Weather Inference (MORNING) The well-Marked low-pressure area over Lakshadweep Area &...