Uttarakhand / Almora : No one to take care of the ruined junior high school and primary school of Dotalgaon

The life of the children is being threatened by the deplorable and pathetic schools.
It has been more than 20 years since the formation of the state of Uttarakhand, but even today the condition of education in remote villages here is quite worrying. In our society, schools are worshiped as temples of knowledge, but the condition of schools in remote areas here is very pathetic. One such ruined junior high school and a primary school which are in Gram Sabha Dotalgaon located in Dwarahat block of Almora district. Whose condition has become deplorable and pathetic due to the government-administration and neglect of the teachers working here. It is said that children are the future of the country. But here the lives of the children are in danger. Presently the schools are closed due to the COVID epidemic, but when they open in the coming time, there will always be a danger in the life of the children. Local leaders and administration will wake up only when something untoward happens. The primary school of the village has been closed since 2016. When the debris of the road under construction in the village started falling in this school, the children were shifted to the junior high school building in the village itself for safety. And the contractor of the road had given an assurance that he would fix any damage caused to the primary school. But that contractor has not repaired the damaged building of this school till date, due to which a total of 14 children from class 1 to 5 are studying in the junior high school building itself. On the other hand, the building of Junior High School in the village, built in 2006-7, is in very bad condition. has taken. This school is built on the banks of the rainy donkey of the village itself, in which there is a lot of danger during the rainy days. Ever since the building of this school was built, it remained the center of controversy. It is in a dilapidated condition due to the use of substandard material by the contractors. Time and again the concerned departments were made aware of its situation, but the departments did not consider the need to pay attention to it. At present two teachers, two teachers and two food mothers are working in junior high school and primary school. This school was damaged in 2011 itself. Since then the government administration has been informed several times. Officers come and go after seeing them. At present about 20 to 30 children from two schools are studying in this building. Whose life is on the trust of God or administration. Former village head Madan Mohan Kumanya told that during his tenure, he has been continuously requesting from the block level to the government to get the school building repaired. But till date no action has been taken by the government. It was also said that to carry out the work of education in the damaged building is to invite a major accident.