PM CARES Fund has accorded sanction for procurement of 1,50,000 units of ‘Oxycare’ system developed by Defence Research and Development...
The second wave of Corona that brought devastation in India may seem to be coming to a standstill, but this...
These extremely weak plasma emissions span about 10 astronomical units, or 929 miles. The special thing is that these plasma...
Several media reports have covered the news of World Health Organisation (WHO) classifying B.1.617 as variant of global concern. Some...
पौड़ी : कोरोना संक्रमण के इस दौर में वायरल बुखार ने भी आमजन की कमर तोड़ी हुई है। पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों...
On Wednesday 12 May 2021, Minister in charge of COVID arrangements of Dehradun district and Minister of Military Welfare, Industrial...
Not a single case of corona infection has come to light in Gram Sabha Dobal under block monopoly in Pauri...
A fire broke out in the Methyl Pigment Factory in Bulandshahar Road factory area in the morning. It takes 10...
हालांकि, कोविड -19 संक्रमण "गांव की आबादी में अपनी पहली लहर में नहीं पहुंचा था … पिछले साल, अब गांवों...
उत्तराखंड में स्थिति गंभीर हो गयी है, देवप्रयाग के बाद अब उत्तरकाशी के बड़कोट में भी बादल फटने की खबर...