Chakrata : A cloudburst hit Bijnad Chhani near Bijnu of Chakrata tehsil of capital Dehradun, killing three people, while 4...
The villagers kept distance from the Corona Test CampIf presently suffering from fever in future Corona is found infected, who...
The doors of Badrinath Dham were opened on Tuesday at 4.15 pm in Pushya Nakshatra and Vrisha Lagna at Brahmamuhurta....
रिखणीखाल में आज 15 May को 4 लोगों की मृत्य तेज बुखार के चलते हो गई है। खिलीसैंण, छड़ियाणी, सुंदरोली,...
उत्तराखंड में स्थिति गंभीर हो गयी है, देवप्रयाग के बाद अब उत्तरकाशी के बड़कोट में भी बादल फटने की खबर...
India’s second wave of Covid-19 is causing unprecedented devastation. The country which was reporting less than 15,000 cases a day...
Connections of women smugglers associated with Bareilly and Bahedi, police engaged in questioning Haldwani Police and SOG have got a...
रिखणीखाल क्षेत्र के अनेकों बुद्धजीवी क्षेत्र हित में अनेकों कार्य कर रहे हैं किंतु क्षेत्र के कुछ चुनिंदा लोग सहयोग...
In view of the transition of Corona, District Magistrate Dhiraj Singh Garbyal has extended the Corona curfew imposed across the...
The news of cloudburst has come to the fore again in Uttarakhand. The news of cloudburst has come to light...